Scaffolding equipment suppliers take you to understand the general knowledge of scaffolding work safety technology
 Jan 17, 2023|View:658

With the rise of infrastructure construction, scaffolding has become an essential tool in engineering construction. As professional scaffolding equipment suppliers, this article will take you to understand the general knowledge of scaffolding work safety technology.

scaffolding equipment

(1) Each scaffolding project should have an approved construction plan and strictly follow this plan to erect and dismantle it before the operation must organize all operators familiar with the construction and operational requirements and safety technical briefing. The team leader should lead the workers to check the construction work environment and the required tools, safety protection facilities, etc., and eliminate hidden dangers before operation.

(2) scaffolding should be combined with the progress of the project. Scaffolding should always be one step above the work surface when the structure is under construction but should not be too high at one time. In unfinished scaffolding, operators leave the job (rest or off), shall not be left unfixed components, and should ensure the shelf's stability. Scaffolding should be accepted and signed before use. Section erection should be section acceptance. The use process should be regularly checked. A longer time out of use, typhoon, or storm after using the former to check the reinforcement.

(3) floor scaffolding foundation must be solid, and the backfill must be leveled and tamped. Good drainage measures must be taken to prevent foundation subsidence caused by the shelf subsidence deformation collapse. When the foundation can not meet the requirements and can be taken to pick, hang, propping, and other technical measures, the load will be unloaded to the building in sections.

(4) design erection height is small (15m below) and can be used to throw bracing; when the design height is larger, use both tensile and compressive wall points (according to the specification with flexible or rigid wall points).

(5) construction work layer of the scaffolding board to the full pavement, solid, not more than 15cm clearance from the wall, and shall not appear probe board; 1.2m high protective railing and 18cm blocking board around the outside of the shelf, and installed under the work layer of safety flat net; rack outside the row of vertical bars hanging inside the dense mesh safety net.

(6) scaffolding population shall be set up with a standard access protection shed, outside street or high-rise building scaffolding, the outside of which should be set up with a double safety protection shed.

(7) the use of the shelf, usually on the rack of the uniform load, should not exceed the specifications. Personnel and materials should not be too concentrated.

(8) outside the scope of lightning protection, it should be installed following the provisions of lightning protection devices.

(9) scaffolding dismantling should set up a warning area and eye-catching signs, a person responsible for the guard; rack on the material, debris, etc. should be eliminated clean; rack if there are loose or dangerous parts, should be first reinforced, and then dismantled.

(10) The dismantling order should follow the "top-down, after the first demolition of the components installed, first installed after the demolition, step by step a clear" principle. Shall not be up and down at the same time demolition operations, forbidden to use step-type, segmentation, facade demolition method.

(11) demolition of rods, scaffolding, safety nets, and other applications, such as transport equipment to the ground, is strictly prohibited from a height downward throwing.

The above is about the scaffolding work safety technical knowledge of the relevant content. If you need a more detailed understanding, welcome to contact us!

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